Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Hello again. Raelin is doing well! We went to the doctor and had to get three shots and a oral medicine for her two moth check up. She was a strong girl and cry for a second but was fine. I think it was harder for mommy than her! 
She came in with a weight of 6 lbs 7oz! She had been doing so well! We truly think the formula has done wonders for her. 
April 1st we will be going to the geneticist and they will be able to tell us more. Then we will also get Eric and I tested to see who maybe carrying the chromosomal abnormality. This will determine if we should have more kids down the road. Honestly I feel like if we are not able to it will be sad. I would love to have more however we were blessed with two beautiful girls and I can be fine with just that. Who knows what The Lord has in store for us. 

Thank you for all the prayers! Keep them coming. We will update you all later. Have a wonderful day! 

Raelin relaxing after getting her first shots! Tube is still in, just took it out to let her skin breath. 


  1. So glad she is doing well. You guys are in our prayers

  2. so happy Ganny;s beautiful girl is gaining weight. Praying constantly for all the Grubes. love all 4 of you
