October 28, 2014:
I am sure many of you already know, however if you do not our little Raelin was admitted in the Children's Hospital on Tuesday October 28th! This was extremely hard for us. Our Raelin was extremely dehydrated and was way under weight. She weighted in at 7lbs 6oz!! This is not good at all for our sweet 9 month baby. However we immediately got her on IVs and was pumping all sorts of nutrients in her little body. She was so small and fragile. It broke our hearts. Good news is we are working in getting her back to her little happy self and hydrated! We have put her back on the Kangaroo Joey NG pump (feeding tube) and plan on taking her home with it. Eric and I have definitely had really low lows and highs this week. So thank you for all the prayers and support!
Raelin has worked so hard and is continuing to fight! She is one STRONG child for being as little as she is! Must have gotten it from her mama 😝 haha she has been pricked and poked, moved around, in a new environment, and a bunch of strangers staring at her. And through it all she has only cried twice! She has been missing her big sister and forgets where she is but she has been very calm and just taking it in.
We have spoke to many doctors and we are planning on coming home Friday (10/31/14)! Just in time to see Tessa in her costume! 😊 This will only happen if some blood work comes back okay. So please keep praying and keep those fingers crossed!
Will update as I can! Thank you all for your support and we will try to inform everyone when we have the time.
October 30,2014:
We have an update- turns out we will not be going home tomorrow after all. Not sure when we will be. She has been getting sick and not able to keep her food down. They have lowered her food again very low and started her back up on the IV. She is so tired. Sweet bunny has been asleep all day. We decided to feed her every 3 hours during the day and a continues feed at night. That way she will just sleep and put on the weight! :) The speech theripest is pleased with how she is trying to eat - not so much the quanity but the quality. Please keep praying for her and will update later.
Thank you!